Trailer Converted To Refrigerator Part 1
The Master Gardeners of Middlesex County are excited to share that we started a creative endeavor to convert a discarded trailer into a refrigerator.
Irrigation Systems in the Home Garden
A garden with a well installed irrigation system will have noticeable benefits. Consistent soil moisture, less water run-off, and minimize stress on plants.
Almost every fruit, vegetable, and flower needs and owes its existence to bees and other pollinators.
Leeks and Onions Planted this Week
Leeks and onions were planted this week. Read for more information on growing and cooking leeks!
Planning the Plot
Crop rotation of plant families is an important practice in gardening and farming which aids in the building of soil health.
The COVID Gardening Renaissance Depends on Seeds—if You Can Find Them
Demand for seeds is sky high once again. Many say that signals a longer-term shift towards growing food at home.